Sunday, December 29, 2019

Literary Evolution of African American Womens Traditions...

Lena Younger, also referred to as Mama portrays the traditional, holy, black woman during the period of the civil rights movement. As the eldest character, Mama has been around for a larger portion of history, including slavery, which helps her to understand the plight of the African American population and how much progress has been made. As the matriarch of the family, she is regarded with reverence and the head of household, even though she feels obligated to remain in traditional female roles as homemaker for her family. By the end of the play, she grants Walter the permission to take over as the head of the household, â€Å"like you supposed to be† (Hansberry 1827). This enforces her traditional views, wanting to stand behind men rather†¦show more content†¦She is independent, strong, intelligent, and proud. By being part of the modernist, young generation of the 1950s, Beneatha is obviously going to have some very strongly clashing viewpoints from that of Mama a nd the rest of her family. For instance, Beneatha is pursuing her dream to become a doctor, an almost completely male dominated profession in the 1950s, yet her family is not supportive of this fantasy profession. In fact, Walter goes so far as to tell Beneatha if she is â€Å"so crazy ‘bout messing ‘round with sick people† then she should â€Å"go be a nurse like other women – or just get married† (Hansberry 1779). This is an important quote because it shows how much agency a man has in a household while presenting the social norms of the time period. Continuing to fight the societal norms and her traditional family, Beneatha makes many choices her family considers as radical. She decides to grow into her heritage by changing her straight, â€Å"mutilated hair† into a more traditional, natural afro (Hansberry 1789); this symbol works into the movement of the time that Black is Beautiful. She also dances around in traditional African clothing, becoming more aware and prideful of her own sense of culture. Beneatha also shocks her family by being disconcerted with the idea of marriage, even after Asagai asked her to â€Å"marry him today and go to Africa† (Hansberry 1824). Once again,Show MoreRelatedApush Chapter 25 Study Guide1276 Words   |  6 Pages1. Describe the rise of the American industrial city, and place it in the context of worldwide trends of urbanization and mass migration (the European diaspora) Cities grew up and out, with such famed architects as  Louis Sullivan  working on and perfecting skyscrapers (first appearing in Chicago in 1885). 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Theories Of Classical Conditioning, Psychodynamic,...

There are four theoretical approaches in Psychology. In this essay I will evaluate and analyse the four main approaches which are: Behaviourist, Psychodynamic, Cognitive and Humanistic. Behaviourists believe that everyone is born as a ‘blank slate’ and that all behaviours are learned through interaction with the environment around you. They believe that we learn new behaviour through classical conditioning, operant conditioning and social learning theory. Classical conditioning occurs when two stimuli form together to produce a new learned response. Psychologist Ivan Pavlov was the first to describe classical conditioning, which began with his study of dogs and what triggers them to salivate. He ran a study ringing a bell every time he†¦show more content†¦The five main areas of study in cognitive psychology are: perception, memory, attention, language and idiographic techniques. Cognitive psychology revolves around the idea that in order to analyse someone’s behaviour, you have to know exactly what’s going on in their minds. Behaviourists believe that the cognitive approach can’t be studied as we can’t see what’s happening in someone’s mind, therefore we can’t measure the internal behaviour. However, the cognitive approach argue that the internal behaviour can be studied using a range of experiments. The cognitive approach can be easily combined with other approaches to bring out positive results. For example, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy is a successful form of treatment for many issues including sleep disorders and phobias. Psychologist Lev Vygotsky believed that a child’s sociocultural environment has an important impact on how they develop cognitively. He believed that as children started to develop and improve their language, engage in their culture, they start to engage in private speech. These circumstances all create an impact, leading to them eventually controlling themselves and learning how to behave by giving themselves instructions. Those who support the cognitive approach believe that everything is focused on just the cognitive process itself. However, they don’t take intoShow MoreRelatedStrengths And Weaknesses Of Psychology1411 Words   |  6 Pages(McLeod’s 2007) stated that within ‘contemporary psychology’ there are many different approaches used to understand the study of human behaviour, with each approach having a different perspective. There may be many theories within a psychological perspective, but they will all have common assumptions on the way we function. 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From around 500BC to 322 BC, Greek ph ilosophers suggested a theory of â€Å"psyche† that is where the word psychology comes from. This meaning the mind, soul and spirit. The Pythagoras, Hippocrates, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were some of the most influential philosophers of their time. However, due to the uncertainty of truth in these theories, they ended up being the foundations relating to psychological thought. However, throughout the 17th centuryRead MoreThe Contribution of Different Approaches to Psychology for the Development of Modern Psychology1147 Words   |  5 Pages Psychology is a vast field which consists of theories and approaches where it involves certain assumptions on human behavior. How they function and the aspects of the behavior that needs to be studied, in addition to the research methods that are needed to be followed in order to understand it thoroughly. These approaches provide characteristic viewpoints and emphasize different factors. These approaches have contributed toward s the development of modern psychology in various ways. Read MoreWhat Is Clinical Psychology?1416 Words   |  6 Pagesinclude: Psychodynamic Approach, Cognitive Behavioral Perspective, and Humanistic Perspective. Within the Psychodynamic approach, to treat one, you would utilize psychoanalytic therapy, which emphasizes on the underlying and unconscious motivations of one. In Cognitive Behavioral, the approach deals with both the behavior and cognitive thoughts of one. This also emphasizes on one’s feelings which are results of their psychological distress. So, to treat one you would use either Cognitive Therapy orRead MorePsychological Perspectives of Smoking Essay1114 Words   |  5 Pagesessay will consider how each of the 5 psychological perspectives explain smoking. I will cover the psychodynamic, the behaviouristic, the biological, the cognitive and the humanistic approach. 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In what ways do they differ? Then, choose a particular problem behavior or disorder and discuss how these perspectives would view both the cause and the treatment of the problem behavior or disorder. The humanistic perspective states thatRead MorePsychodynamic Approach On Human Nature1108 Words   |  5 Pagescategories are: psychodynamic, cognitive- behavioral, existential- humanistic, and postmodern approach. â€Å"Psychodynamic approach sees human functioning based upon the interaction of drives and forces within the person, particularly unconscious, and between the different structures of the personality.† (McLeod, 2007, para. 4). Psychodynamic approach uses conscious and unconscious forces to explain one s personality. Sigmund Freud is looked upon as one of the creators of this movement. â€Å"Cognitive- behavioral

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Walmarts Organizational Structure free essay sample

In 1962, in Roger, Arkansas, Sam Walton had this brilliant idea that American consumers needed a different type of store so he opened Wal-Mart on the other hand in the same year, Dayton Hudson corporation opened â€Å"The first Target store in 1962 in the Minneapolis suburb of Roseville, Minn. , with a focus on convenient shopping at competitive discount prices. Today, Target remains committed to providing a one-stop shopping experience for guests by delivering differentiated merchandise and outstanding value with its Expect More. Pay Less ® brand promise. Target currently is the second largest general merchandise retailer in America, with Target. com consistently being ranked as one of the most-visited retail Web sites. † (Target. com) Organizational Structure is a way that an organization arranges people and jobs so that it can be executed and its goals and objectives can be met. Wal-Mart was constructed into a three product divisional structure. The successful world retailer’s business categories include Wal-Mart Stores, Sams Club, and International stores. Wal-Mart was built on three beliefs such as great customer service, striving for excellence, and respecting other individual. Like Wal-Mart, Target also strives on customer satisfaction. Targets objective is to make themselves the preferred shopping destination for their guests by giving them vale, innovation, and an outstanding experience. (Target, 2010) Wal-Mart and Target, being the two largest retail stores in the U. S. , are focused on providing their customers with great products and low prices. Their Organizational structure is vertical; however with the way that it is growing, it is more horizontal due to the fact that it is expanding globally. With Target being vertical as well, they focus the marketing on the middle class while Wal-Mart gets a lower class. Wal-Mart is breaking out into being more global but Target is just branching out to global countries such as India. With Wal-Mart having over 8500 retail locations under 55 banners in 15 countries and having more than 2 million people on their team â€Å"Target Corporation is an upscale discount retailer that provides high-quality, on-trend merchandise at attractive prices in clean, spacious and guest-friendly stores. In addition, Target operates an online business, Target. com. Minneapolis-based Target serves guests at 1,763 stores in 49 states and at Target. com, and also operates 37 distribution centers nationally. Target also has more than 355,000 team members worldwide and is consistently recognized as an employer of choice. † (Target,2010) Both companies are focused on going above and beyond their objectives and providing great value, products, and services. Their differences occur when Wal-Mart aggressively lets everyone who wants to save money where they need to go. Target goes after the middle class shoppers who want more name brand products at a general price. As we look at Wal-Mart’s Organizational Function, their marketing plan is simplicity. Their competitors are retail stores that focus on the same products and services, but however, Wal-Mart stays ahead of the competition by thriving off being the leader of low prices. Their approach is monopolistic because they are the most convenient as far as location and store hours. They offer twenty four our services and they have many locations to go to. The Wal-Mart supercenters are making it hard for a lot of stores to stay open and even struggling with the profits of the stores such as grocery stores. Wal-Mart offers a variety of products and services which includes Auto-Care, Optical Department, Urgent Care facilities, hair and nails, Home amp; Garden department, fast food chain, food products, clothes, and jewelry. They also use advertising with television ads and online services as well for a marketing approach. With the advertising, they let their customers know that they have the lowest prices of any retailer and they will continue dropping if another competitor tries to beat their quality and prices. Organizational Function of Finance within Wal-Mart is that every businesses goal is to make a profit worth staying in business for. Organizational Function of Finance comes with trying to figure out when is the need to let some of your employees go in order to increase operational efficiencies, support strategic growth plans and help reduce their overall costs. Now the organizational function of Human Resources within Wal-Mart makes it mandatory for employees to train on diversity and ethics. They also conduct more training sessions on leadership, customer ervice, and mentoring programs. Organizational Design is the alignment of structure, process, rewards, metrics and talent with the strategy of the business. Organizational Design may involve strategic decisions, but is properly viewed as a path to effective strategy execution. Departmentalization in a corporation means for a corporation to be divided into different divisions and each division within the company has its own goals and task to accomplish. A divisional structure is broken down into three different areas such as product, market, and geographic. Managers have a responsibility to focus on the structure of the store and bring in positive results. Another organizational design is product structure, market structure, and geographic structure. Geographic structures groups their employees based on the geographical location which Wal-Mart uses this structure because it has stores running globally. Finally matrix structure groups their employees by function and product within the different departments. This structure is one of the most difficult structures. An example is Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart International being organized as follows, sales department, customer service, and accounting. However Sam’s Club is a little bit different because they would have the same departments, but have their own projects and tasks. In conclusion, Wal-Mart being a successful retail store has a horizontal Structure. It was compared and contrasted to the second largest retail store in Target. Organizational functions in marketing are simplicity and constantly push for being the low price leader. Organizational function in finance has a goal of keeping their CEO happy and customers happy at all times. Organizational function in human resources and operation is where they often train in different areas such as diversity and ethics. Organizational design helps Wal-Mart determine what best fits them and their corporation as a whole.