Friday, December 20, 2019

Theories Of Classical Conditioning, Psychodynamic,...

There are four theoretical approaches in Psychology. In this essay I will evaluate and analyse the four main approaches which are: Behaviourist, Psychodynamic, Cognitive and Humanistic. Behaviourists believe that everyone is born as a ‘blank slate’ and that all behaviours are learned through interaction with the environment around you. They believe that we learn new behaviour through classical conditioning, operant conditioning and social learning theory. Classical conditioning occurs when two stimuli form together to produce a new learned response. Psychologist Ivan Pavlov was the first to describe classical conditioning, which began with his study of dogs and what triggers them to salivate. He ran a study ringing a bell every time he†¦show more content†¦The five main areas of study in cognitive psychology are: perception, memory, attention, language and idiographic techniques. Cognitive psychology revolves around the idea that in order to analyse someone’s behaviour, you have to know exactly what’s going on in their minds. Behaviourists believe that the cognitive approach can’t be studied as we can’t see what’s happening in someone’s mind, therefore we can’t measure the internal behaviour. However, the cognitive approach argue that the internal behaviour can be studied using a range of experiments. The cognitive approach can be easily combined with other approaches to bring out positive results. For example, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy is a successful form of treatment for many issues including sleep disorders and phobias. Psychologist Lev Vygotsky believed that a child’s sociocultural environment has an important impact on how they develop cognitively. He believed that as children started to develop and improve their language, engage in their culture, they start to engage in private speech. These circumstances all create an impact, leading to them eventually controlling themselves and learning how to behave by giving themselves instructions. Those who support the cognitive approach believe that everything is focused on just the cognitive process itself. However, they don’t take intoShow MoreRelatedStrengths And Weaknesses Of Psychology1411 Words   |  6 Pages(McLeod’s 2007) stated that within ‘contemporary psychology’ there are many different approaches used to understand the study of human behaviour, with each approach having a different perspective. There may be many theories within a psychological perspective, but they will all have common assumptions on the way we function. 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