Monday, January 6, 2020

Essay On The Clouds - 729 Words

The clouds were all different sizes and shapes today, Lily and I loved watching the sky on a hot summer Tuesday morning. It was the perfect weather, sunny and warm with a cold breeze coming every minute or two. In the background New York City allows you to hear the birds chirping, taxi’s honking and people socializing. â€Å"Lily, I’m going to go drink some water† Lily nods, and I start walking towards my house. As I’m drinking water I hear glass shattering and I run towards the living room and I see my mom whos staring intently at the tv with bits and pieces of a now broken glass vase on the hardwood floor. Her eyes are covered with unfallen tears and her knees seem like they can’t carry her anymore. I turn my head and watch the tv trying to†¦show more content†¦Some people are running everywhere and others bawling for their loved ones. I see multiple police officers and firefighters trying to save each and every injured person. My mom ho lds mine and my sisters hand and pulls us towards the police officer. â€Å" I need to find Dave Berry, my husband† she pulls out a picture from her purse â€Å"this is him, have you seen him?† she asks with a shaky voice. â€Å"Sorry miss I havent seen him but all the injured and the deceased people are taken to St. Bernards Hospital, maybe you can try there† â€Å"Excuse me, has Dave Berry been admitted here?† I ask with hopeful eyes. â€Å"Yes, he is kept in room 231 but please wait until the doctor his checkup† the nurse answers. We all hurry towards the room and wait. A picture of a beach was sprawled on each wall, each depicting beautiful scenery: rolling waves on white idyllic sand. Across from me was a tiny black wooden coffee table holding health magazines. Underneath it was a dull grey carpet that covered the whole room. A television hung in one corner displaying the terrifying news. I was too anxious to read any of the magazines or watch TV, so I just tapped my foot impatiently. I stared down at my hands, twisting and knotting them as if doing so would hold back the turmoil inside me. Despair roamed the room, expelled on the worriers like me and those doing their best to bite down on the pain that brought them here. The double blue doors finally open and theShow MoreRelated The Clouds by Aristophanes Essay1678 Words   |  7 PagesThe Clouds by Aristophanes - Relevant in Todays World The Clouds by Aristophanes, is a play centrally concerned with education. Aristophanes employs satire to illustrate his conservative beliefs. It is intended to show readers that in the tendency to philosophical subtleties lies the neglection of the real needs of the Athenians. According to Aristophanes, philosophical speculation only acts to shake the established foundations of accepted religion, gods, and ideals of morality. 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