Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Current Chinese Government Fits Into The Category Of...

The current Chinese government fits into the category of Authoritarian Regimes because Chinese government just use the coercion to limit political pluralism in order to maintain their power, but allows some social pluralism and does not use ideology or coercive mobilization to shape citizen’s interests, or support for the regime. However, China had been in a category of totalitarian regimes once after the World War 2 ended. After the world war 2, under the Mao’s control, China’s sovereignty imposed strict controls over everyday life and cost the lives of tens of millions of people, which is the totalitarian regime. When China was under Mao’s control, citizen’s interest and identities were shaped by the ideology created by the government, and the ideology motivated Chinese citizen to act politically in particular way. The ideology that China promoted under Mao’s control was the communist ideology, which they believe that efforts should be made to redistribute economic wealth as much as possible and that a single political party should direct the government and control the state. After 1978, Mao’s successor Deng and other leaders focused on market-oriented economic development and by 2000, output had quadrupled. Therefore, after 1978, China changed the system of government to allow more freedom for citizens instead of the total control over citizens by the coercive mobilization.For much of the population, living standards have improved dramatically and the room for personalShow MoreRelatedThe Political and Legal Environments Facing Business4014 Words   |  17 Pagesthey encounter dynamic and challenging political and legal environments. Chapter Three provides a conceptual foundation for the examination of the political and legal dimensions of international business operations. 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